Karolina Goceva, with her song “Mojot svet” (My world) has been chosen to represent Macedonia at the Eurovision songcontest ’07 in Helsinki on the 10th and 12th of may. This is the second time Karolina will participate in the Eurovision songcontest. She went to the Eurovision song contest in 2002 with the song, “Od nas Zavisi” in her amazing golden ancient Macedonian dress, if you all can remember.
You can see and listen her song below:
MD: Congratulations to Karolina, we wish her much luck and let’s hope she can give Macedonia finally some glory on the ESC, but personally we don’t think she will get any far with this song, if Elena Risteska couldn’t do it with the great "ninanajna" neither will Karolina. And MRT should really do something about their poor sound and video quality, it’s a shame, just like every year!
For downloading the winning and the other songs, go
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