Theatre performance “Timon of Athens”, concert of opera singer Vesna Ginovska-Ilkova, an exhibition of contemporary Macedonian painters, projection of Macedonian films and concert of “Synthesis” will be organized for manifestation “Days of Macedonian Culture” in Bari, Italy. The manifestation should be held on April 15-22, in organization of the Ministry of Culture.
Macedonian modern painting will be presented through the artworks by Sergej Andreevski, Aleksandar Ivanovski, Argent Karaj and Miftar Memeti.
Vesna Ginovska-Ilkova will perform with compositions by Macedonian authors, while band “Synthesis” will hold an all-evening concert.
“Timon of Athens” is a co-production project of Skopje’s Turkish Theatre, Bitola Theatre and laboratory “Nove” from Florence. Branko Brezovec is the director, Jane Calovski is the scenographer, while Marjan Necak is the music author. The performance won the critic award at festival MESS in Sarajevo in 2006, along with awards for best choreography and music at Macedonian national theatre festival “Vojdan Cernodrinski”.
MD: Nice event, We need more of these cultural event exchanges with Italy! We love Italy! Many Macedonians of the older generation are saying that we are very connected and similar to the Italians.
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