Senka Anastasova has won Voya Kondik, an award conferred to the most successful young research scholar in the area of cultural and literary theory for 2006, London-based British Trust Foundation announced yesterday. Anastasova is the first young research scholar from Macedonia to receive Voya Kondik for cultural and literary theory, i.e. for her research in the area of narrative identity and modern technology of narration and new media.
The award is bestowed to the best young scholars doing doctor and master courses, scholars in the area of physical and social sciences and humanities in former Yugoslavia, sponsored by the Foundation, who have used their stay in Britain in the most creative way. The goal is for any researcher participant, depending on their specialization and interests, to show how they could convey experience and innovation acquired in the country of their origin.
Voja Kondik has been awarded since 1997 and consists of a monetary part (£ 500) and a plaque and recognition.
Anastasova was nominated for the award after her three-month pre-doctorial studies in art projects and essays in London, University of Greenwich in 2005/2006 year.
MD: Congratulations!
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