To our surprise, we found out that there is even a hinduism community in Macedonia.
The community consists mainly by Hare Krishna and the Satya Sai Baba Organisation. There is a Hare krishna center in Skopje and there are four Satya Sai Baba centers in Skopje and one in Stip.
The Macedonian Satya Sai Organization has its roots at the end of the 1980s. At that time a group in Skopje was formed spontaneously. After a while, when the membership of this group rapidly grew up, the first centre was formed. A few years later two more centres were formed.
The communities are recognized by the government and deceased president Trajkovski always invited the communities when meeting with other religious leaders in Macedonia.
MD: Very interesting :) we would not have expected this in Macedonia. Take a look at their website.
[ Wiki]
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