Macedonian government is deeply concerned about the events in Florina area, northern Greece.
This is the initial reaction of the Macedonian government after the news reports on clashes between Macedonian local residents in Florina and Greek special police forces.
One person was injured and four other were detained following the late Monday's incident in Florina, where locals tried to thwart a military exercise of Greek army near the village of Zabrdeni, A1 TV said.
Even though the local residents reached an agreement with the Greek troops, asking them not to destroy the arable land, not to use armored vehicles and not to conduct live-fire exercise, the Greek authorities had dispatched a new contingent of troops, backed up by police, at the same area.
A1 TV said Macedonian Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski today will notify Brussels on the latest development of events in northern Greece.
Meanwhile, Macedonian Ministry of Interior took preventive measures, authorizing security upgrades in front of Greek embassy in Skopje
The Birth of a Clone State
Part II
The term clone is derived from κλών (klon), the Greek word for twig or branch, referring to the process whereby a new plant can be created from a twig.
According to Herodotus’ The Histories, during the 8th century B.C. the Argeads (Αργεάδαι) migrated north from the Greek city of Argos in Peloponnesus to the region we now know as Macedonia. In addition, Thucydides in the History of the Peloponnesian War concurs that Perdiccas I was the first monarch of the Argead dynasty, better known as the ancient kingdom of Macedonia.
The name Macedonia (Μακεδονία) is rooted in Homeric Greek. A related form of the word first appears in the Odyssey, VII 106: ‘οιά τε φύλλα μακεδνης αιγείροιο’ whereas ‘μακεδνης’ in the form of an adjective means very high or tall, in this context referring to the size in height of a poplar tree. The first Macedonians spoke a proto-Hellenic dialect similar to that of Homer. They eventually adopted the Attic Greek dialect as did the other Greek city-states and finally the Koine Greek dialect during the Hellenistic period.
It is not the primary objective of this writer to argue whether the ancient Macedonians were a Greek tribe or not. Any serious historian will validate their Hellenic origin with scores of references as well as Greek inscriptions on countless ancient artifacts unearthed from all over the region. I would like to note, however, one important date in ancient history. In 168 B.C. the last Macedonian king, Perseus, surrendered to the Romans after his decisive defeat at the Battle of Pydna and thus Macedonia came under Roman rule.
For over 2000 years thereafter, there has not been even one documented reference claiming an ethnic Macedonian identity. During 2046 years of recorded history, i.e. from 168 B.C. up until 1878 A.D., there is no evidence of the existence of a Macedonian ethnic consciousness. There is no evidence of the existence of a Macedonian language. There is no evidence of the existence of a Macedonian alphabet. There is no evidence of the existence of a Macedonian Church. These indisputable facts raise a crucial question to FYROM’s fabricators of history. But first, let’s go over two significant events which transpired in the Balkan peninsula, one in 1870 and the other in 1878.
In the 19th century the entire region of Macedonia was still under Ottoman occupation. Numerous demographic studies had been conducted in the vilayets of Monastir and Thessaloniki as late as the 19th century by both Ottoman authorities and European institutions, covering the entire Macedonian region and beyond. Not even one of these ethnic surveys references the existence of a Macedonian ethnicity.
Through the Firman (decree) of 1870, Sultan Abdulaziz allowed the Bulgarian Exarchate to separate from the ecclesiastical authority of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople. From a Turkish point of view, the decree was designed to divide the Christian populations of the decaying Ottoman Empire and define ethnicity in the Balkans by church affiliation. From a much more well-conceived Bulgarian perspective, the new autocephalous status of the Church would encourage Bulgarian nationalism. But there was another method to the madness. Russian influence had also encouraged the Bulgarian schism. Count Nikolai Pavlovich Ignatiev, Russian ambassador to the Ottoman Sublime Porte, upon orders from Tsar Alexander II was promoting a Pan-Slavic movement in the Balkans. This irredentist plan was heavily concentrated in and around the Macedonian region encompassing all the Slav elements with protagonists the Bulgarians and to a lesser extent the Serbs.
The Russo-Turkish War of 1877-1878 ended with the Treaty of San Stefano signed on March 3, 1878. Russian forces had halted their advance at San Stefano (now Yesilkoy), a village on the Sea of Marmara seven miles west of Constantinople. The Pan-Slavist Ignatiev was a signatory of the Treaty. The Treaty of San Stefano forced Turkey to cede most of the region of Macedonia to Bulgaria and created a ‘Greater Bulgaria,’ a Bulgaria spanning from the Romanian border to the north all the way to the foothills of Mt. Olympus to the south, including the port city of Kavala to the east. This allowed Russia to have a Slav satellite in the Balkans where her influence could extend down to the Aegean Sea.
The European Great Powers, fearing this increased Russian influence in southeastern Europe and a possible threat to the trade congested Bosporus and Dardanelles Straits, objected to the terms of the Treaty. Four months following San Stefano, after long negotiations in Berlin mediated by Chancellor Otto von Bismarck of Germany and de facto mediator Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli of Great Britain, the Treaty of Berlin revised the terms, giving the Macedonian region back to the Ottomans and allowing for a smaller Bulgaria. One significant side note here: Shortly before Berlin, a secret agreement to be disclosed later as the Cyprus Convention was reached between the British and Ottomans whereby control of Cyprus was granted to Great Britain in exchange for their support of the Ottomans in Berlin.
In the years immediately following the Treaty of Berlin an ideological concept was developed in the context of Bulgarian initiatives to regain the region of Macedonia. The Serbs, headed by politician Stojan Novakovic, who also coveted Macedonian real estate with views of the Aegean Archipelago, employed the same ideology as a means to counteract the Bulgarian influence in Macedonia, thereby promoting Serbian interests in the region. Alas, the conception of Macedonism, an ideology within the irredentist framework of Pan-Slavism.
Macedonism is structured on aggressive Slavic fundamentalism with irredentist political views based upon the notion of unbroken racial continuity between the self-proclaimed ethnic Macedonians of today and the ancient Macedonians.
Which leads to my question to FYROM’s fabricators of history: During 2046 years of recorded history, i.e. from 168 B.C. up until 1878 A.D., there is no documented evidence of the existence of a Macedonian ethnic identity. You base your argument on illusions of ancient Macedonian grandeur in your bloodlines. Can you therefore justify your prolonged 2,000-plus years state of hibernation whereby not one single document exists referencing a Macedonian ethnic consciousness?
Perhaps these self-proclaimed ethnic Macedonians living in FYROM and the Diaspora, along with FYROM’s current political leadership and their lobbyists in Washington, should consult FYROM’s previous leaders and diplomats who realize that usurpation of history is a tactic destined to fail:
“We are Slavs, who came to the region in the sixth century. We are not descendants of the ancient Macedonians.”
-Kiro Gligorov, first President of FYROM, 1992,
“We are not related to the northern Greeks who produced leaders like Philip and Alexander the Great. We are a Slav people and our language is closely related to Bulgarian. There is some confusion about the identity of the people of our country.”
-Gyordan Veselinov, FYROM's Ambassador to Canada, 1999,
and the crème de la crème of testimonials:
“The idea that Alexander the Great belongs to us was at the mind of some outsider groups only. These groups were insignificant in the first years of our independence. But the big problem is that the old Balkan nations have been learned to legitimate themselves through their history. In the Balkans to be recognized as a nation you need to have history of 2,000 to 3,000 years old. Since you (Greece) forced us to invent a history, we did invent it.”
-Denko Maleski, Foreign Minister of FYROM from 1991 to 1993.
In my next segment I will dissect the 19th century Bulgarian terrorist organization VMRO, inspiration to FYROM’s ruling political party VMRO-DPMNE headed by Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Macedonia will always be Macedonian. Christian turkish settlers learn your own history, we'll take care of our Macedonian history.
Поздрав до сите! Македонско име нема да загине!
Greetings to all Macedonians! The Macedonian name will never die!
Posted by
Anonymous |
"For I (Alexander I) myself am by ancient descent a Greek, and I would not willingly see Hellas change her freedom for slavery." (Herod. IX, 45, 2 [Loeb])
Posted by
Anonymous |
A Greek Orator from Athens on the Macedonian King Phillip II:
.........not only no Hellene, nor related to the Hellenes, but not even a barbarian from any place that can be named with honors, but a pestilent knave from Macedonia, whence it was never yet possible to buy a decent slave.... --- Demosthenes, Phillipics
To every other christian settler who only has ancient quotes with mythical ties to Macedonia: is it possible for you lightweights to include any modern arguments, instead of always using quotes from ancient scholars? Probably not.
PS. still waiting for evidence of the Macedonian dialect you christian turks claim.
Your Macedonian friend
Posted by
Anonymous |
Still quoting Demosthenes out of context. And funny how you reject any questions aimed at you but would rather avoid them and add your own petty argument. You think you're fooling people. Simple man.
Posted by
Anonymous |
We must remember too that Philip and Alexander WERE GREEKS, descended from Heracles;they wished to be recognized by the Greeks as benefactors of the Greeks, even as Heracles had been
N.G L Hammond [1989] “Alexander The Great” page.257
The religion of the Makedones themselves was HELLENIC, as is proven by the names of the Macedonian months. Cults of most of the chief Greek deities are SUFFICIENTLY attested for the EARLY PERIOD.
Philip was born a Greek of the most aristocratic, indeed of divine, descent… Philip was both a Greek and a Macedonian, even as Demosthenes was a Greek and an Athenian…The Macedonians over whom Philip was to rule were an outlying family member of the Greek-speaking peoples.
Nicholas G. L. Hammond, ‘Philip of Macedon’ Duckworth Publishing, February 1998
Posted by
Anonymous |
“Where the Hellenic city-states had failed, the culturally backward GREEK kingdom of Macedon came within an ace of success;…”
“That the Macedonians and their kings did in fact speak a dialect of Greek and bore Greek names may be regarded nowadays as certain.”
R. Malcolm Errington, ‘A History of Macedonia’University of California Press, February 1993, pg 3
Posted by
Anonymous |
“To his ancestors (to a Persian’s ancestors) Macedonians were only known as ‘yona takabara’, the ‘Greeks who wear shields on their heads’, an allusion to their broad-brimmed hats” Page 104.
“Alexander was not the first Greek to be honoured as a god for political favour…” Page 131.
“Alexander was recognized as a son of Zeus after his visit” Page 201
“But Alexander replied that he wished to take revenge on the Persians for invading Greece, for razing Athens and burning her temples.” Page 261.
Robin Lane Fox
Posted by
Anonymous |
Otto Hoffmann “Die Makedonien”
Posted by
Anonymous |
We must remember too that Philip and Alexander WERE GREEKS, descended from Heracles;they wished to be recognized by the Greeks as benefactors of the Greeks, even as Heracles had been
N.G L Hammond [1989] “Alexander The Great” page.257
Posted by
Anonymous |
Philip was born a Greek of the most aristocratic, indeed of divine, descent… Philip was both a Greek and a Macedonian, even as Demosthenes was a Greek and an Athenian…The Macedonians over whom Philip was to rule were an outlying family member of the Greek-speaking peoples. Nicholas G. L. Hammond, ‘Philip of Macedon’ Duckworth Publishing, February 1998
Posted by
Anonymous |
The General secretary of NATO Mr Sefer has expressed his deep disappointment and dislike over the news agency’s MINA telegraph in which he was presented as willing to bring as an issue of discussions among the alliance’s members the “incident” in which FYROM is presenting as supposedly has happened in Florina, said NATO spokesman James Apatourai.According to Mr Apatourai, such view was never expressed to Mr Gruevski who he met tody in Brussels. “Baseless” was the term used by the spokesman in regards to further reports of MINA in which Mr Sefer was supposed to have referred with positive characterisations about Mr Gruevski.
Posted by
Anonymous |
FYROM is a nation. It is not an ethnicity. Its language is an idiom of the Bulgarian language with Slavic roots.
I would like to ask you to cross check the following information:
1. February 26 1992: FYROM's President at that time -Kiro Gligorov- at an interview reported by the US Foreign Information Service's Daily Report on Eastern Europe stated: "We are Slavs, who came to this region in the sixth century. We are not descendants of the ancient Macedonians."
2. June 3, 1992: FYROM's President at that time -Kiro Gligorov- in an interview after a meeting with the Greek government admitted that FYROM has no relation to ancient Macedonia. That the people of FYROM are Slavs:
3. January 22 1999: FYROM's Ambassador in Washington, DC - Mrs. Ljubica Acevshka - gave a speech on the present situation in the Balkans. At the end of her speech answering to questions Mrs. Acevshka said: "We do not claim to be descendents of Alexander the Great. Greece is FYROM's second largest trading partner, and its number one investor. Instead of opting for war, we have chosen the mediation of the United Nations, with talks on the ambassadorial level under Mr. Vance and Mr. Nemitz." On the same occasion and in reply to a question about the ethnic origin of the people of FYROM, Ambassador Achevska stated: "we are Slavs and we speak a Slavic language."
4. February 24 1999: In an interview with the Ottawa Citizen, Gyordan Veselinov - FYROM's Ambassador to Canada - admitted: "We are not related to the northern Greeks who produced leaders like Philip and Alexander the Great. We are Slav people and our language is closely related to Bulgarian." He also commented "there is some confusion about the identity of the people of this country."
5. U.S. State Department, Foreign Relations Vol. VII, Circular Airgram (868.014 / 26 Dec. 1944) by then Secretary of State E. Stettinius:
"The Department has noted with considerable apprehension increasing propaganda rumors and semi-official statements in favor of an autonomous Macedonia emanating from Bulgaria, but also from Yugoslav Partisan and other sources, with the implication that Greek territory would be included in the projected state. "This Government considers talk of Macedonian "nation", Macedonian "Fatherland" or Macedonian "national consciousness" to be unjustified demagoguery representing no ethnic or political reality, and sees in its present revival a possible cloak for aggressive intentions against Greece".
You realize that I have used the statements made by officials of FYROM. No Greeks.
ALL of these statements say that there is NO Macedonian ethnicity, NO Macedonian language, NO Macedonian history that is separate from the Hellenic people. On what do FYROMians dare to say that there is a separate Macedonian ethnicity, a distinct Macedonian language, and Macedonian territory, which is “occupied” by Greece.
A Macedonian (real! Greek)
Posted by
Anonymous |
Битка за името во Латинска Америка
Грчкото МНР на својата интернет страница објави: „Потсекретарот на Министерството за надворешни работи на Мексико, го известил неговиот грчки колега Јанис Валинакис, дека во очекување на решение за разликите околу името, Мексико привремено ќе ја нарекува Македонија со референцата ФИРОМ“.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Christian turkish settlers cannot be Macedonian. Only Macedonians can be Macedonian.
Македонско име нема да загине!
Posted by
Anonymous |
Awe Shucks! No veto required.
Macedonia 'Not Ready' for EU Accession Talks
21 October 2008 Brussels _ Macedonia is not yet ready to start European Union accession talks, the bloc’s Enlargement Commissioner Olli Rehn said Monday.
Rehn made the comments less than three weeks before the European Commission publishes its report on the country on November 5.
“We will make our evaluation on November 5 but for the moment, I believe, it will be difficult to recommend opening accession negotiations with Macedonia. For the moment, it seems to me that the eight conditions have not been met, nor has the ninth, that is, the elections”, Rehn told the Agence France Presse news agency.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Another cut-and-paste job aye gailturd?
You post the above comment with the impression that Macedonia wants to enter the EU under the conditions it should change it's name. Thank f**k Macedonia is not ready to enter. Why would we want to enter the racist sh*thole of an organization that is the EU? The problem for you athenians is that if Macedonia enters the FU, we will all be on a level playing field where athenian lies won't be tolerated. The athenian nation wouldn't want that in a million years!
PS. what name does this EU monkey Rehn refer to Macedonia in your above cut-and-paste quote? I thought so...
Pozdrav gailturd,
Your Macedonian friend
Posted by
Anonymous |
Hey Posdrav,
That's a skopje-friendy article I cut and paste. That's why the name. Nov. 5 is when the decision becomes publicized. I'll bet you a kangaroo it'll say FYROM.
Posted by
Anonymous |
It is only us Macedonians that can decide on our name, and we will stick with The Republic of Macedonia. Don't forget that. No matter how many organizations the athenian govt. lies to or bribes, the fact is that christian turkish settlers cannot re-christen us. I'll bet you a turkish coffee on that one!
Your Macedonian friend
Posted by
Anonymous |
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