Serbian superstar, Zeljko Joksimovic will perform in the “Metropolis Arena” in Skopje on the 17th of march.
His special guest will be the hottest Macedonian singer at the moment, Elena Risteska.
The Serbian heartbreaker really wanted to have the beautifull Elena Risteska as his guest.
There will be a press conference on 6 March with a cocktail gala at the Skopski Saem at 13.00. There are 4000 tickets on sale for the price of 350 denars, which can be bought at Jugoton.
He will introduce his new songs “Misel”, “Lud i Ponosan” and “Milo za Drago” to the Macedonian audience.
MD: Everybody wants Elena! She is a great artist, so is Zeljko. He is extremely popular in Macedonia and of course you all know him of his hit “Lane Moje” which he performed on the Eurovision song contest.
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