The first records of people who had declared ethnic Macedonians immigrating to America occurred in the late 19th century, according to American archive documents.
These historical facts give an answer to Greek, Bulgarian and other propagandas denying the Macedonian nation, saying that it was a Tito's creation after the World War II.
An incomplete list containing names and surnames of 7.821 ethnic Macedonians who had immigrated to America in the period 1897-1924 was released today by Rainbow, a party founded by Macedonian minority in Greece. The list is entitled "Members of a 'non-existing' nation with names and surnames... (when Tito was a child...).
The data in this list of emigrants have been obtained from the Ellis Island Museum Archive. In the late 19th and early 20th century, many immigrants came to New York through an immigration station called Ellis Island, near the southern tip of New York's City Manhattan Island.
"The number of persons who had declared themselves Macedonians when arriving in America could be much higher given the number of archive's passenger search combinations," Rainbow leader Pavle Voscopoulos.
Emigrants from Macedonia declared themselves Macedonians - ethnicity Macedonian - which differs from Bulgarian, Serbian and Greek.
If Alexander was Greek or not, I think is a discussion for ignorant people only! History knows that Alexander was Greek! He always declared proudly for his Greek ancestors, customs and culture!
The archaeological monuments proove it! Only in Greece are Macedonian cities! And in ancient Greece there was not a single state as today, but different Greek cities-states that used to fight each against other, till Alexander unified them all under a final common nation! Read some history and accept the fact that you have nothing of Macedonian except the willingness to BE!
Posted by
Anonymous |
All us Macedonians declare so, as Cretan too, Peloponesian too, Cypriots too ect. considering obvious that all are aspects of the same ONE nationality, GREEK!
The only Macedonians in Greece are US, Greeks!
Infact the Cypriots that are turkish origin use to call themselves Turkish Cypriots, in order to distinguished, as Vardaska's citizens should do if they want to have their own identity! Since Greece exists you never will be Macedonians, unless you accept you are Greeks! If Greece dosen't recognize you, you will always be ''the'' Thieves of History... And whatever name address you the rest of the world, Greece and Macedonia will be ONE and SAME!
Whithout Greece's support you cannot exist! And soon Greece will stop to support you in any way!
Posted by
Anonymous |
there are plenty of macedonians from northern greece that wave the red and yellow flag. They dispize everything the greek govenment stands for. especially in the diaspora.
What do you think they are on about? They will laugh at your comments.
Keep up your farse. The tide is changing. 100 years of lies and people are learning the truth. Slowly but shorely.
Macedonians are not greek.
Posted by
Anonymous |
We are 3.500.000 Macedonians only in Greece!(some more than 2.000.000are around the world!)
Real ones!
So the name is protected and copyrighted for more than 2.500.000 years!
Find another one before somebody else copyright it!
Posted by
Anonymous |
How much is the greek government paying you to say that?
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Anonymous |
There is a problem with this 'study'. The US sites warns researchers:
“Keep in mind the historical perspective. [...] Nationality can also differ from the Race or People. […] Not every immigrant gave an accurate answer... Race, religion, and nationality were often confused by those filling out manifests."
1/ The names in the list are mostly local variations of Greek, Slavic, Vlach, Albanian names. We cannot impose 21st century desires on the results.
2/ Notice how the borders of 'Macedonia' seem to go mostly only as north as Monastir/Bitola.
3/ How many from those same places declared Greek or Albanian or Bulgarian, Serb?
Posted by
Anonymous |
There are only 5 (five) names ending in 'SKI', out of 7.821 names. Who made people adopt the 'ski' ending?
Historical research raises more questions (or ghosts) than usually hoped for.
Posted by
Anonymous |
"There is no doubt, Macedonians are Greek."
(Robin Lane Fox "Historian-Author" In Interview with newspaper TO BHMA)
"Macedonia belongs to Greece" (Mike Rann Premier of South Australia)
Athens 05/07/07
Macedonia belongs to Greece, like the Acropolis does, Mike Rann, the Premier of South Australia, said today in Athens. In the course of his visit to Greece, he met with the Minister of Macedonia & Thrace, Georgios Kalantzis, and the regional prefect Panayiotis Psomiadis. According to Greek newspaper Eleftherotypia, Rann said that no nation should steel the history and insignia belonging to another nation.
Posted by
Anonymous |
The truth about Macedonia
Experience has taught us that it is very difficult to communicate with people who have lived under, and have been trained by, the Communist mentality. Case in point: the misleading and well-camouflaged claims made by the honorable foreign minister of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM), Antonio Milososki, to The Washington Times in the article "Name game blame" (Embassy Row, July 11) that his country will promote stronger trade relations with the United States, and, with its transition to an independent nation, should be designated Macedonia, not FYROM.
Mr. Milososki claimed that his country has "gone from a security consumer to a security provider," which is hardly accurate and honest. What the minister forgot to mention is the teachings in FYROM's schools and military academy that continue to poison the new generations with falsehoods, planting the seeds of hatred to come in the years ahead and in clear violation of the U.N.-brokered "Intermediate Agreement" signed by his country and Greece. FYROM today is more a picture of a terrorist training camp rather than a "security provider."
"Our name is the cornerstone of our identity," said Mr. Milososki. What he left out was when and how it received that name. Did the name belong to somebody else for millennia before Josip Broz, or "Tito," and Josef Stalin in 1944 re-baptized "Vardarska Banovina" into "Macedonia," usurping the name Macedonia from the northern province of Greece with the ultimate goal of annexing Macedonia away from Greece and gaining access to the Aegean?
Unfortunately for the minister, history recorded that President Truman provided the arms, and the Greeks provided the rivers of blood to stop Tito's and Stalin's plans, rescued the Macedonia province and the rest of Greece from the Communists' deadly embrace, and kept Greece and her Macedonia province on the western side of the Iron Curtain. What the province lost in battle then, it now expects to be given on a silver platter.
Mr. Milososki, your people once claimed that there were about 750,000 of them in the United States. The 2000 census revealed the truth as being not even 40,000. You now claim that 120 countries have recognized you by your self-declared identity. Would you kindly produce such a list for the public and identify exactly which countries have recognized you so officially by government-to-government official letter and which others are only by coerced bilateral agreements between companies in your country and other countries?
We hope you enjoyed your visit to the United States of America, Mr. Milososki. The truth can neither be killed nor ignored. The name "Macedonia" is an indisputable part of Greece's historic and cultural legacy, and the Hellenic world will never give up its ownership.
Supreme President
Pan-Macedonian Association
Dover, NH
Nina Gatzoulis
Supreme President of the
Pan-macedonian Association (USA)
E-mail: ninagatz@comcast.net
FAX (603) 617-2977.
Web: http://www.macedonia.info/
Posted by
Anonymous |
of the
A Certificate Sponsored by Representative Daniel P. Silva
Recognizing that he ancient Macedonians were Hellenes and that the inhabitants of Macedonia today are Hellenic descendants and part of the northern province of Greece, Macedonia.
Signed and Sealed at he Capitol,
in the City of Santa Fe.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Posted by
Anonymous |
Posted by
Anonymous |
110 members of the US Senate signed to support the Greek position on the issue of the name with Former Yugoslav Republic of M.
They all recognize the Greek right to preserve their Macedonian Herittage and History.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Macedonia/Macedonian is a geographical term. The people who live in the territory of FYROM are slavs, as the former presindent GLIGOROF said. if you serch in the area for signs in the ancient ruins you will find only greek signs. Is this symptosis? Vardaska was your territory name till 1945.
Posted by
Anonymous |
These are the last months(days) of the existence of this artificial communist remaining Republic... The end of this Joke is coming to an end!
Albanians are here to liberate our brothers in the area and the rest can go to Serbia, Bulgaria, Greece, whenexer they want!
Free Albania, free Tetovo is coming!
Posted by
Anonymous |
The Israely central council of Greece, with a letter to all Israely councils worldwild, informs: ‘’The Judaic religion and Literature consist a firm prove that Macedonians were and are Greeks! The Macedonian culture and language are Greek!
Posted by
Anonymous |
A classic example of brainwashed people; This is a typical case of what will happen to people whose sourse of information comes solely through government sponsored propaganda. It is astonishing to think that today's greeks can be so closeminded. It really boggles the mind to see such a pervasive amount of lies beeing consumed and digested by this people without any sense of self respect. Pour it out and let them eat it. Oink, Oink...
Posted by
Anonymous |
A sorry state of affairs with these dumb, brainwashed greeks. If they can only read something other than government paphlets distributed to them.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Is it no wonder that Macedonians do not want to be associated with you?
Look at the way you carry on and force your "mythological" beliefs onto people. You steal our land, you chopped fingers off the migrants who spoke Macedonian in your villages. You're trying to force a seperate body of people to be Greek and trying to convince the world that your greed is valid???
YES...Dorion's do have the earliest literary mention! BUT...it's all based on theory!
Specualtion, assumptions, guesses, myth, legend... all the things that Greeks are brought up to believe in and live by.
Why don't you ask one of your Gods, maybe your "God of Acceptance" to help you accept that MACEDONIANS ARE NOT GREEK!
Macedonians will not bow down to Greeks (atleast not without protecting our arses)thanks to Alexander's teachings. We all know that you prefer rear entry. Maybe 'cause your ignorance tells you that your shit don't stink...
Wake up to yourselves and let people be who they are and want to be and not who you want them to be!
Find another identity to steal!
Posted by
Anonymous |
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