On occasion of the release of Macedonian film “Before the Rain”, directed by Milco Mancevski by U.S. publishing house “Criterion Collection”, intended for the U.S. market, a DVD promotion of the film was held Thursday in Skopje national and university library “St. Kliment Ohridski”.
“The U.S. publishing house released the cult film on June 24. This is the first commercial edition of our most successful film, whereas ‘The New York Times’ has already included it among the 1,000 best films of all times”, said film critic Marina Kostova at the promotion.
She stressed such events confirm the value of cultural diplomacy.
“No money can buy this publicity. No money can buy a work’s presentation at global media. ‘Before the Rain’ opens a very important dimension of our originality, because our existence can not be denied by no one, Macedonia and the Macedonian identity are an irrefutable fact”, she added.
Film director Mancevski said after the promotion that very few foreign films are released in America.
“When I worked on the film, my greatest joy was to finish it. To me, ‘Before the Rain’ is a nice thing, but not essential. The essential thing is the dialogue between the author and the work. It is nice that the film is present at the central market, but at the same time sad that such a DVD cannot be purchased in Macedonia”, stressed Mancevski.
Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski, Finance Minister Trajko Slaveski, Ministry of Culture State Secretary Elizabeta Kanceska-Milevska, a number of actors, and renowned individuals attended the promotion.
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