Athens rebuffed calls by Macedonian authorities for Macedonians who were expelled from Greece during the civil war to be allowed to reclaim lost properties and apply for Greek citizenship.
Greek conservative Kathimerini daily says Greek diplomats dismissed the comments from Skopje as a departure from the focus of talks which are aimed at finding a mutually acceptable solution to the name issue.
Greek diplomats said it was Macedonia, not Greece, which has been trying to divert ongoing UN-mediated talks from the name issue. Greece has said solving the name dispute is a priority.
MD: Well, that's no surprise, they will not even recognize their minorities, let's not even talk about giving them back their rights for their properties and citizenship.
The talks are about the name. President Gruevski has violated the Constitution of Republika Makedonija.
* He suggested that Greece should examine “the return of properties to children-refugees, who are Macedonian nationals, and are entitled to obtain Greek citizenship”.
* Article 42 of the Constitution specifies that “the Republic will not interfere in the sovereign rights of other states or in their internal affairs”. His government is interfering.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Glup! Obvioulsy, I meant Prime Minister Gruevski. Thanks guys.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Very funny, i must say. So Republic of Macedonia is in breach of macedonia constitutuon because they interfere in G. internal afairs?
Talks about changing another country name,how more internal can it get?haha
by the way do you know macedonian?
Posted by
Anonymous |
If the both sides agreed that the name would change then it’s not an internal issue.
You agreed on that.
Posted by
Yiannis |
* I would love to speak your language, malko po malko.
* The Greek government sees itself as protecting part of its heritage and its territory. That is why it is concerned about the name. Athens does not comment on how FYR Makedonija should run its affairs or deal with its citizens.
* Article 42 has been violated. I suggest that you petition for its change it you do not like that article.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Posted by
Anonymous |
Poor, poor G(r)eeks!!!
Posted by
Anonymous |
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