Around 30 Macedonians from the village of Ovcarani, northern Greece, staged protests in front of Greek military training site in the village of Zabrdeni urging the army to pull out of the area.
Shortly before 8 p.m. Tuesday, Macedonians set up roadblocks to avert a convoy of four military vehicles from deploying in the area.
The police and public prosecutor arrived at the site to negotiate with protesters. The locals left the site shortly before midnight.
Greek soldiers who slept in tents under the open sky were woken up late at night from the sounds of church bells from the surrounding villages who all rang at the same time.
Ethnic Macedonians in Greece are fed up with the Greek Army intimidation tactics to show up with tanks surrounding their villages, under the auspices of ‘training’. Local resident who wished to remain anonymous explained that the Greek Army always chooses to show their might in cities and villages where ethnic Macedonians are the majority.
"They come here, surround our villages with tanks and stay here for weeks, sometimes months. They think we will get scared. Why don’t they do their training in Athens?", says an ethnic Macedonian from Ovcarani who also complained of the pollution the tanks caused to his crops.
They massed again on Wednesday to voice their discontent with intimidation by Greek army and the military exercise held near the villages populated with Macedonians.
Three special police units were dispatched at the site to thwart the protesters from entering the training site.
MD: Very interesting, this is probably the first time Macedonians in Greece are openly protesting against Greek harrasment in such a way.
How funny are you.
Now you deny us the right to perform military exercises?
Of course, nobody like shooting fields. And protest like this appeared in many areas of Greece. Not only in North Greece but everywhere, including the islands.
Maybe the islands are inhabited by “Macedonians”? Who knows...
Of course you don’t have such problems because you don’t have artillery and tanks but, sorry, we do.
Posted by
Yiannis |
xaxaxaxaxaxax 30 "Macedonians"
xaxaxax or 30 Scopians
Posted by
Anonymous |
30 "Macedonians"
Too bad it wasn't "300" - you could have made a movie about it.
Posted by
Anonymous |
30 "Macedonians"
Too bad it wasn't "300" - you could have made a movie about it.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Michelos, you are getting ahead of yourself, "again!". Stop searching for other analogies.
You may be lost in the islands.
Here we have macedonians who are fed up with the greeks. Plain and simple.
Well done to those macedonians who stand up for their rights. Bravo!
Long live macedonians in the Diaspora. Especially in Greece.
We should do a movie "300". The story about greeks living in ROMacedonia.
True Macedonian
Posted by
Anonymous |
Posted by
Anonymous |
Revolution? Over 200,000 Greeks are living oppressed in FeaROM. That's the next revolution.
Posted by
Anonymous |
No slav protested, but the macedonians(greeks of course) of the area made a smallprotest,not to use their coltivating lands for the normal military routine in the area, as it happens all over greece. The slavs (skopians) living in the area are less than 30!
If Skopia continue this hostile propaganda against Greece and the Macedonian terittory, lots of problems will arise in the area...
Posted by
Anonymous |
you greeks can pretent all you like. The macedonians are fed up with the greek oppression. Plain and simple.
So pull your heads out of the sand!
Where are those 200,000 greeks hiding in ROMacedonia?
Posted by
Anonymous |
Thank you for confirming my thoughts you true Macedonian!
He! He! When you have nothing to argue with, you simply say anything unrelated that comes to your mind!
It’s so funny when I hear you believing that in the “Aegean” Macedonia (as you call it) there are hundreds of thousands “Ethnic” Macedonians! We live there and we see nobody!
Of course, you can always make a revolution made of 30 people!
I am sure this will make your “United” Macedonia even stronger.
Posted by
Yiannis |
USA has also cities named Athens.
If the Americans were like FYROMians they would believe that Athens is unrelated to Greece.
That Periklis, Solon, Socrates etc are also be non-Greeks.
Eventually, they would dream of “United Athens” which will contain United States and Attica.
Posted by
Yiannis |
Get your hand off it, Michelos. Once again your barking up the wrong tree.
Macedonians don't give a shit where athens is named around the world.
True Macedoinans do not care about athens. BUT the FOROGians who are the biggest converts especially in the last century care about what everyone is saying about Macedonia.
First, everyone is greek, there is no macedonia or macedonians. Now, NO I'm sorry, what I meant to say was, I am Macedonian........from Greece.
Talk about fakes, you guys don't know whether your Arthur or Martha.
I can see it now, in the 2004 Athens Olympic games, I'll bet the greeks wrote everyone's name who came first in a race in greek. So in 2000 years they all become greek legends. Ha ha ha.
Pathetic greeks!
True Macedonian
Posted by
Anonymous |
"For I (Alexander I) myself am by ancient descent a Greek, and I would not willingly see Hellas change her freedom for slavery." (Herod. IX, 45, 2 [Loeb])
Pathetic Skopians
Posted by
Anonymous |
Alexander I was known to be a philhellen (freind of the greeks).
How can a freind of the greeks be a greek?
9 greek city states cannot mount a successful campaign to conquer persia. One Macedonian kingdom with the assistance of greek and illirian slaves and para military conquered persia.
Why did Alexandar need an interpreter to communicate with the greeks?
Why were there greeks fighting on the side of the persians?
All for the glory of greece!
Correction! All for the greeks to take the glory! Hmmmm
True Macedonian
Posted by
Anonymous |
For all the greeks that do not understand go on iGENEA and get the hard fact MACEDONIANS ARE MACEDONIAN.
Posted by
Anonymous |
For “True Macedonian”
1) Obviously you can not understand the word Philhellene and the way it was used in the past.
Example 1
Xenophon, the Spartan Agesilaos general and leader as Philhellene : “It is a honour for a Greek to be friend of the Greeks”
(Xen.Agesilaus, 7.1)
Example 2
Plato wants the leaders of Greeks to be Philhellenes and not separatists
(Plato Rep. 5.470e)
“And won’t they be philhellenes, lovers of Hellenes, and will they not regard all Hellas as their own and not renounce their part in the holy places common to all Hellenes ?” “Most certainly.” “Will they not then regard any difference with Hellenes ”
Plato here gives clearly the meaning of the term Phillelene during antiquity.
Hopefully, I made it clear to you now.
2) 9 city states alone were unable to conquer Persia. The Macedonian kingdom managed to united all these and conquered Persia. What does this prove?<
3) Alexander using interpreters to speak with Greeks? When did this happened? Can you share with us your source?
4) That’s a very stupid question. You like to forget that Persian army was mercenary army and so it had Greeks among others. Of course, inside your brain there is no room for that. It’s all a conspiracy against FYROM. Does this prove anything? The fact that the city-states were.. city states is a good reason to explain that each city could take it’s own course during the war.
OK.. If Alexander was not Greek, why they used Greek on they currency?
Posted by
Yiannis |
I visited iGNEA site and I found some interesting results.
In FYROM the tests excluded the Albanians. So out of 2.150.000 people, remain 1.450.000
These are the result of FYROM DNA test :
30% macedonian
10% illyrian
15% hellenen
5% phoenician
20% germanic
5% hunnen
15% slavs"
30% Macedonian is about 435.000 people.
So, if we now include the Albanians, FYROM has 700.000 Albanians, 435.000 “Macedonians”, 217.000 Greeks among others.
So... what iGNEA says is that.. you are a minority in your own land!
As for the Greece
There is 35% Hellenic, 20% Slavs (ha! More slavs are living in Greece than in FYROM?) and.. 5% Macedonian
Out of population of 10.500.000 people we have 3.675.000 Greeks, 2.100.000 Slavs and.. 525.000 Macedonians!
I am not saying that you should believe these numbers..
But you should read more before you get excited. These numbers saw things you don’t like!
Posted by
Yiannis |
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah were still macedonians
ps you can't count the goats as geeks
Posted by
Anonymous |
Posted by
Anonymous |
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