European Union foreign ministers clashed on Monday over whether to offer Macedonia the prospect of opening membership talks this year, with Greece leading opposition to its neighbor's hopes, diplomats said.
Reuters agency cited diplomatic sources as saying that a clash erupted behind closed doors over a proposal by the Slovenian presidency that this week's EU summit should declare Macedonia can still start accession talks this year if it meets a series of benchmarks. Greece, which has a long-running dispute with Macedonia over the country's name, denounced the state of democracy in the country and said there could be no question of opening negotiations at this time.
"The issue of the name of the country is still flying like a ghost over the whole discussion," Swedish EU Affairs Minister Cecilia Malmstrom told reporters. EU Enlargement Commissioner Olli Rehn offered a toned-down compromise wording but even that met resistance, led by Greek Foreign Minister Dora Bakoyannis.
Exchanges became so tense that Slovenian Foreign Minister Dimitrij Rupel, chairing the meeting, denied Bakoyannis the floor for another riposte, saying he would have to "close Dora's box", one participant reported.
The 27 EU leaders will have to thrash out the issue at a summit on Thursday and Friday after ministers failed to agree on consensus wording for the summit statement, diplomats said. In a statement, the ministers regretted "violent incidents and other serious shortcomings" in the conduct of a June 1 general election and urged the government to investigate and act on all reported serious irregularities.
They reaffirmed their commitment to Skopje's "European perspective" but did not mention the start of negotiations with the Balkan candidate country or the conduct of the partial re-run of the election on Sunday.
"The Council expressed its hope that the new parliament and government will be established soon, enabling the country to achieve rapid and sustainable progress in its further reforms, which are important for its EU integration process," the EU ministers said.
I have a good idea .Why doesn't Greece change her name to Macedonia and let Macedonia call themselves Greece!
Posted by
Anonymous |
Posted by
Anonymous |
He! He! Nice ideas!
But for now, you have to wait in the front entrance of EU and NATO.
Although I believe that, as nation, history and mentality, you deserve to become EU member, I support our government to suspend your entrance as long as the name issue is not solved.
But I am sure, your powerful friends (Slovenia?) will find a good solution to punish us.
Posted by
Yiannis |
Just to repeat myself: During the Yugoslav days, Slovenia exploited Yugoslavia's Macedonian region like a colonialist and gave nothing it return. And it kept most non-Slovenians out of its territory.
Slovenian should pay back the FY Republika Makedonija much more than just cheap support in the EU. It made a mess of its EU presidency and has nothing to show for itself.
Posted by
Anonymous |
It sounds like they run the EU the same as they run the UN !
Posted by
Anonymous |
No way is the name the main issue. The Slovinian News Agency (Slovenska Tiskovna Agencija) reported that: "The country obtained candidate country status in late 2005 [...] The violence in the recent elections in Macedonia are likely to extend its wait." It quoted Slovenian FM Rupel as stating that the political fighting has overshadowed the country's efforts to join the EU.
Posted by
Anonymous |
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