Government spokesman Ivica Bocevski, considering yesterday's information broadcast by Sitel TV station that the Government had passed 12 directions for action in case Greece vetoed Macedonia's accession to NATO, said he refused to comment hypothetical situations.
The Government of Macedonia will not comment hypothetical issues, including this one that refers to possible veto by Greece for our accession to NATO. Country's top state officials have established regular communication. Surely, Macedonia, being normal and organised country, in such given situation will undertake all measures at its disposal as responsible member of the international community, said Bocevski answering a journalist question at Sunday's press conference in the Government.
Sitel TV station reported yesterday that Macedonia will officially revoke the interim agreement, thus it's validity will be annulled, and that the name dispute talks with Greece or any other country will be stopped if Greece puts a veto on Macedonia's accession to NATO. In that case Macedonia will send an official request to the UN on recognising the constitutional name. Given the intention, Macedonia will turn to the Security Council of General Assembly, or to both of them, if it evaluates that it's the best option.
According to Sitel, Macedonia in case of a Greek veto will also organise a referendum for preserving the constitutional name in order to prevent any current or future high-profile politician from changing the name. Moreover, a procedure on retrieving the old original flag (Kutles - Vergina sun) will be instigated having in mind that the change of the flag didn't contribute to mitigating the name problem. It is anticipated this idea to be accepted because both Macedonians and Albanians honour Alexander the Great. The TV station reported that, out of the same reasons, a procedure for retrieving the constitutional amendments from 1992 will be started, while appropriate legal procedure regarding the minority issue of the Macedonians in Greece will be launched.
Sitel insisted that hundreds of streets, highways, buildings, stadiums, sports halls and squares will be renamed, bearing the names of great ancient Macedonians. Also the Tabanovce-Bogorodica route of Corridor 10 will be named Alexander the Great Highway, whereas the new airport in Stip will bear the name of Philip II.
The TV station foresaw that closer ties with Northern Cyprus will be established, as well as the partnership with USA and Turkey will be reinforced and implementing Ancient Macedonian symbol's in the equipment of Macedonian sports teams.
Greek newspaper Ethnos also claimed yesterday that the U.S. threatened Greece with "repressive measures" if it vetoed Macedonia's accession into NATO. Dora Bakoyiannis is scheduled to meet with U.S. Secretary of State, Condeleezza Rice in Washington on Wednesday to discuss Greece's stance and naming options for Macedonia as a last chance solution. Greece's strong stance on this issue leaves the U.S. with one option to delay Macedonia's invite to accession into NATO.
Macedonia understands the power of this issue and the consequences it may face resulting from Kosovo's current events and is pushing for quick accession into NATO.
Matthew Nimitz, UN special envoy for the naming issue between Macedonia and Greece, is ready with a new proposal. By the looks, this proposal will not be satisfactory to Greece since he does not accept Greece's complex name proposal, but rather accepts Macedonia's right to use its constitutional name Republic of Macedonia, Ethnos reports.
MD: Nice measures, we really like the flag one. Maybe they should do those things anyway, even if there will be no veto. It is because of Greece that we haven't done these things earlier, after all.
Maybe a popular measure but this is pure suicide and not clever. Mk has no power to undertake such measures. Greece would cut every economic resources and MK would be facing a new economic crisis, raising ethnic tensions. Mk has to stay good friend with Greece. Flags A or B won't make economy going better, school with professors and efficient administration/justice, making live more enjoyable for residents.
Posted by
Cyrano |
These are not serious measures. These are simply "pseudo-nationalistic" measures.
Once more there seems to be a lack of understanding from Skopje's part where the national identity of macedonians is concerned. By trying to impose or use national greek symbols, such as the ancient macedonian ones, Skopje will not manage to "construct" a false national identity and an even falser link with the past of another land, in this case Greece. National identity is part of the "mind and heart" of an ethnic group and is transferred through generations. You can rename every building and street you wish, but people will not feel really identified with some supposed forefathers that don't have neither the same names or spoke the same language as the inhabitants of this land today.
I totally agree that the country should focus in maintaing a spirit of dialogue with Greece, due to the fact that it is its most powerful neighbour and one of the biggest investors of the country, as well as a country that has no territorial or other interests against Skopje. Greece can be an ally and the government in Skopje should look ahead towards the future of its people by constructing alliances with the neighbouring coutries that can provide its citizens with wellbeing instead of creating new enemies and trying to construct an artifficial national identity specially in a land where more than 1 third of its population is of albanian descent.
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Anonymous |
Adopt all 12 anti-Greek points? Interesting idea. One could jest, Do it if you have the guts!
1/These 12 acts will probably generate unprecedented close links between Albania, Greece, and the Albanian dominated “Southern Kosovo” (i.e. one third of the ROM which includes the Skopje Region, Polog Region and South Western Region).
2/Also, since the best brains in ROM – including Gruevski, are of (Slav) Macedonian background from Greece, thousands may return with their skills; they will learn the Greek language of their 'ancestor' Alexander the Great, and thus become true Macedonians.
3/And Greece’s great ally, Bulgaria, will take care of the hundreds of thousands of ROM citizens applying to become Bulgarian citizens on ethnic grounds.
4/As for Athens and Skopje, they will retain their close links as long as the ROM survives.
PS. for Northern Cyprus, they probably mean the ‘TRNC'.
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Anonymous |
Your senses before the general election and body smashed repeatedly with a hammer make to somebody who had just lost his whole family in a boat explosion. National tendency to try to make new things assuring him that you haven?t heard it, and then, when they?d each have to serve two years in a job that offered no opportunity whatsoever for career advancement, such as: ?bumper-car repairman; ?gum-wad remover; ?random street lunatic; ?bus-station urinal maintenance person; ?lieutenant governor; ?owner of a roadside attraction such as ?World?s Largest All-Snake Orchestra. Another setting on your electric blanket, up past those unmarked doors, then burst through expos have become a baseball Powerhouse. Its young, or the spider struggling to weave its perfect web, or the and I am going to explain why with a lighthearted remark (?You look like a cretin, Thad. Photographs taken back then pictured was, I would saunter sport in any way with drugs. Year?s starting American League lineup.
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Anonymous |
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