Macedonian city of Bitola is the best for doing business in Southeastern Europe, according to a report presented Monday in the victorious city by the World Bank Group member - IFC. The first regional and local Doing Business report refers to twenty-two SEE cities, namely their performances in terms of best reformers and best reform practices.
Bitola is followed by Zrenjanin - Serbia and Skadar - Albania. Macedonia's capital Skopje takes the ninth position on the list. The report compares the business indicators in Banja Luka, Belgrade, Bitola, Krusevac, Mostar, Niksic, Osijek, Podgorica, Pristina, Prizren, Sarajevo, Skadar, Sibenik, Skopje, Tirana, Uzice, Varazdin, Valona, Vranje, Zagreb and Zrenjanin.
I am proud that Bitola is the best for doing business. Today's event is another verification of the results Macedonia has achieved for the last two years in improving the business climate, Vice-Premier Zoran Stavreski said at the report promotion. He announced a new package of about 50 reform measures that refer to all 10 business indicators.
The recognition for Bitola adds to Macedonia's success to be declared the fourth best reformer in 2007 among 174 countries.
The successful tradition is continuing. Today, we are focusing on cities in the region and are happy that Bitola has scored the victory, said Jane Armitage, the World Bank Country Director and Regional Coordinator for Southeast Europe. Patricia Rader, USAID Macedonia Mission Director, said that business reforms were crucial for the regional growth, as investors needed predictability, solid corporate governance and rule of law.
The report, developed with financial support of IFC, United States Agency for International Development - USAID, and the Swiss Government via its state secretariat for economic affairs, was elaborated by Pierre Guislain, director of the Foreign Investment Advisory Service - FIAS.
Bitola and Zrenjanin mayors, Vladimir Taleski and Goran Knezevic respectively, mediated the panel discussion together with Suzana Guxholli, adviser to the Albanian Prime Minister.
Way to go Bitola !!!!
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